Sightseeing in Zakynthos

Zakynthos or Zante is an island in the Ionian Sea that is well known for its natural beauties, picturesque beaches but also for its cultural traditions. Below there is a list of the most important Zakynthos (Zante) sightseeing like famous spots, monasteries, churches and places of incomparable natural beauty.

Argassi Bridge

In Argassi resort, next to Zakynthos town and the small harbour are the ruins of a small Roman bridge dating from 1885.

The bridge lays half on the sand and half on the sea and used to carry the main coast road before the erosion of the coastline.
Anafonitria Monastery

This monastery is located in the traditional village of Anafonitria in the northwest of Zakynthos.

The monastery was built in the 15th century and owes its name to the miraculous icon of the Virgin which was brought to the monastery from Constantinople in the time the town was captured by the Turks.

Immediately at the entrance there is a medieval tower consisted of four arches and a cross which is used as a bell tower.

The visitor can admire the many frescos on the walls of the monastery and feel the same harmony as St. Dionysios who lived here as a monk and gave forgiveness to the murderer of his brother.

Blue Caves

Situated on the West coast of the island the Blue Caves, or “Blue Caves of Volimes village”, as they are also called are a must attraction for every visitor.

Consisted of particular geologic formations the Blue Caves owe their name to the vibrating and striking blue colour of the waters that is reflected on them, which at the same time capture and reflect the shine of the limpid sky.

The area where the caves are located is quite wilder, rural and less transited than other of the island. It is possible to reach them by car from a small mill situated between Agios Nikolaos and Skinari cape coming down a hundred steps, reaching a spot perfect for the diving lovers.

However if you want to completely admire this surreal environment and be part of the marvelous scenery you have to visit them with your own boat or with one of the many organized tours. No matter who the trip is shared with take a good digital camera with you and don’t miss the chance to live this unforgettable experience.

Kabi Cross

Kabi Cross is situated in the village of Kabi on a mountain called Schiza.

The cross is made of cement and due to its huge dimensions it can be spotted even at km of distance.

The Kabi Cross is erected on a promontory more than three hundred and fifty metres of the sea level and is a live symbol to commemorate those who passed away during the civil war and Second World War.

The sight worths a visit and offers an astonishing view to the Ionian Sea.
Monastery of Saint George at Gremna

This monastery surrounded by huge pinetrees is situated in the northwest of Zakynthos at Volimes village.

The monastery of St. George at Gremna was built during the 16th century, but it was destroyed by pirates in 1553 and then rebuilt in Venetian Style.

Nowadays the visitor can admire a small church on the right of the monastery’s courtyard and a tower in the middle more than 150 years old that was built to defend the monastery from assaults.

Saint Dionysios church

The church of Saint Dionysios (Agios Dionysios) is the biggest in the island and is located in the southern part of Zakynthos town, near the harbour.

The church was built in 1708 and was one of the less buildings to resist the earthquake of 1953. As soon as you enter the port of the island you can recognize it from its imposing bell.

The church is dedicated to Agios Dionysios, the protector of the island, whose corpse was transferred from the monastery of Strofades where he had been living as a monk to the church in 1717.

Saint Dionysios was born in Zakynthos in 1564 and his family belonged to the high-class. Despite all the advantages his social position was offering him he refused them all and decided to live with kindness and charity offering everything he had to the poor.

The church combines two architectures, Byzantine style mixed with occidental. The visitor will be impressed by the interior which is entirely gold-painted and the impressive icons crafted by the famous hagiographers Koutouzis and Doxaras.

Two great celebrations take place in Zakynthos island every year to the honor of Saint Dionysios: one on the 17th of December which is held in memory of the Saint’s death and one on the 24th of August which is an imposing feast day dedicated to the transportation of the Holy Body from the monastery to the church.
Sarakina House

Sarakina house is located on a hill near Laganas resort and Mouzaki village.

Surrounded by vast vegetation this country-house that survived the earthquake of 1953 is a unique sightseeing for its kind in Zakynthos island.

Sarakina house is thought to be built in the early 19th century and is an English villa that belonged to Lountzi’s family.

The house is a typical example of Zakynthos' houses before the earthquake built in neo-classic style.

Sarakina worths a visit, although is only possible to look at it externally in this moment, because the inside is not accessible.

The beach of Navagio or Shipwreck is the best known in Zante, one of the most famous in Greece and one of the most photographed sights in the world.

A trademark of the island the beach of the Shipwreck which was initially called St. George is situated in the eastern part of the island, close to Volimes village.

Accessible only by boat it’s a creation of human and nature that gives you the idea of hugeness and perfection and you have to see in order to believe it.

The bay where the rusting hulk lies half-bured owes its name to a boat that was trying to illegally smuggle cigarettes and alcohol in Greece and due to the stormy weather ran aground on the coast where you can find it nowadays.

To visit this paradise on earth it is possible to take a daily trip by boat from the close bay of Porto Vromi, the town’s port or the Agios Nikolaos in Volimes village. Don’t miss the chance though to enjoy the spectacular view that is offered from a platform half way between the villages of Volimes and Anafonitria.
Strani Hill

Two kilometers away from Zakynthos town at the district of Bohali there is a beautiful wooded green hill which is called Strani Hill.

This is where Dionysios Solomos, Greece’s national poet, inspired from the cannonades in Messolonghi, which was under the siege of the Turks during the Greek War of Independence and wrote in 1823 the “Hymn to Freedom”, Greece’s National Anthem.

At a short distance on top of the hill there is Solomo’s mansion, while at the small square in front of it one may see his bust.

The beauty of the landscape and the captivating view help us understand the source of inspiration that leaded our National Poet to write his valuable poems.
Strofades islands

Strofades are two small islands that lie 22 nautical miles south of the island of Zakynthos. The smaller one is called Arpia while the bigger one Stamfani.

The Strofades islands are popular for their beauty, their reach vegetation and the passage of more than thousands of migratory birds every year, while their coasts are rocky without sand.

Upon the largest of them there is an impressive monastery that was founded on 13th century upon request of princess Irene, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Theodoros A’ Laskaris, who thanks to those islands survived a shipwreck.

In the past many monks used to live there, but the one that marks out for was Saint Dionysios, the modern protector of Zante island. The islands do worth a visit and can be reached by boat with organized tours from the town’s port.

Venetian Castle

The Venetian Castle is situated at the top of Bohali hill, on the outskirts of Zante town. The monument proves the remarkable influence of the Venetians on Zakynthos island and was built on the ruins of Psofida, the ancient acropolis of Zante.

The fortress that stands up to now was completed by the Venetians in 1646, despite all the damages from previous earthquakes.

The main outer gate of the castle is decorated by the well-known Venetian regalia: the lions of Saint Mark. The castle used to be the administrative center of Zakynthos island throughout the Venetian period.

In the past where the ruins stand nowadays was the Medieval city of Zakynthos and 12 churches none of which remains until today. Although only the walls remain of the ancient building, the castle worths a visit as it is set among pire trees and offers a splendid view to the surrounding area. Access is possible by bus, by taxi or by other private vehicle.
Vrysakia aqueduct

Following a non asphalted road hidden in the vegetation that goes from Argassi to the countryside one can discover the ruins of an aqueduct used in the past to supply water the entire area.

Up the series of archways bearing the pipes which brought the water stands a magnificent bridge 15m high.

The bridge was constructed during the period of British domination and a legend says that Theodoros Kolokotronis, who lived in Zakynthos island 15 years before the 1821 war of independence used to ride his horses over the bridge. Keep in mind that there are no signs informing where the bridge is located.