Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO)

The Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO) is a Public Entity (PE) supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
The GNTO was first established in 1927 and re-established in 1950 by Emergency Act 1565/50, ratified by law 1624/51); in the meantime, tourism fell under the competence of various ministries. Since 1950, the GNTO constitutes the ruling state agency for the tourism sector.
According to law 3270/04 (Government Gazette 187/Α/11.10.2004), GNTO consists of the Head Office located in Athens and the Regional Departments of Tourism (as of 01.01.2005). The structure of the GNTO's services and the competences of each unit are included in Presidential Decree 343/2001 (Gov. Gazette no 231 A).

Contact us

Head office
7, Tsoha
11521 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 8707000
Working hours: Weekdays 08.00-15.00
Contact the Central Services.

Information desk
26, Amalias Tel.: 210 3310392, 210 3310716, 210 3310347
Head: 210 3310529
Fax: 210 3310640
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00,
Saturday, Sunday, holidays: 10:00 - 16:00

Information Desk at "Eletherios Venizelos" airport (arrivals hall)
Tel. 210 3530445-8
Fax : 210 3532334
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday, Sunday, holidays : 10:00 - 16:00